Tech 'n Savvy
Tech 'n Savvy
11' Creating a Security Framework for Developers with Erin Bailey
Emily and April talk with special guest Erin Bailey. They discuss building a security education framework for developers. Learn about how to create specific training based on your company’s tech stack and identify key vulnerabilities.
These resources below will give you hands-on training on all sorts of different kinds of vulnerabilities! The more you learn about them, the more capable you are of preventing them.
1. https://owasp.org/
The Open Web Application Security Project - you can find their top 10 vuln list on the home page, they have lots of other good info there too
2. https://www.hackthebox.com/
Hands on hacker training
" take your cybersecurity skills to the next level through the most captivating, gamified, hands-on training experience"
CTF (capture the flag) basics
4. https://ethernaut.openzeppelin.com/
Hacking smart contracts (Solidity)